Summary of the Project Plan from Phase 2
In Fall 2019, we developed a 2-part plan for this project:
Part 1: From Student Stories to Learning Tool.
This part would involve collecting stories from students about accessibility-related challenges in their student life. We connected with students both in-person (Sharing Circles) and anonymously (Online Form).
We planned to use the information collected to create a user-friendly, awareness-building learning tool aligning accessibility-related challenges in post-secondary with UDL-based activities and practices college faculty and staff can implement to address those challenges.
We planned to publish the learning tool under a CC BY-SA Creative Commons license.
Part 2: Co-creation of Student Stories.
This part would involve co-creating Camosun-inspired “Student Persona” resources with students who had participated in Part 1 and were interested in contributing further.
We planned for these new Student Personas to be based on Camosun students’ experiences. These new Personas would be integrated into the existing collection, and would also be incorporated into the learning-tool outcome from Part 1. We wanted to link real students’ stories with the recommendations and practices identified in the learning tool.
The Camosun-based Student Personas will be published under a CC-BY-NC-ND Creative Commons license.